I don't have many weekends off, and those few times I do have off, I always have plans whether it's a race or a party. So when I had off on a Saturday with no plans, Sal and I decided to make the most of the beautiful weather and we headed to a local park, with a lake where he could fish. He brought me to Barnes&Noble beforehand and I picked out a book that I could read while he fished. I'd fish with him, but I wouldn't want to show him up and catch more fish than him, haha... I'm only kidding. Afterwards, we headed to the park, with a fishing pole and a book in hand. As I made myself comfortable on the bench, Sal set up his bait on his pole and our relaxing day began.
Before I knew it Sal caught a fish, and being the professional fish picture taker, I whipped out my iPhone and snapped a few. While the fish were small, Sal was still happy with his catch. I returned to my book shortly after, soaking up the rays of sunlight.
It felt like hours had gone by, and so we decided to rent a paddle boat on the lake, which was the funniest workout I've ever done, it even beats Zumba! Trying to steer and peddle is not as easy as it seems, even with two people doing it together. I couldn't help but laugh as we tried to retrieve one of Sal's fishing lines that had gotten caught in a tree! At first he assigned me to retrieving it, until he saw what a disaster that would be, and instead he made me peddle until I got as close as I could and then put me in charge of steering, again a bad idea. Our legs began to get sore after we peddled around the entire lake and the half hour seemed to drag!
We were melting by the time we got back, and so when Sal suggested we grab Italian ice, something I will never crave or ask for... ever, I quickly obliged... because it was that hot. We picked up our Italian ice and headed to the street fair. Why we walked around outside in the heat some more is beyond me, but it ended up being a nice ending to the memorable day together.