The bar quickly filled up, and friends started arriving. Soon enough the shots were being poured, and drinks were being passed around. Knowing I had to work the next day, I chose to drive everyone. It was a good choice, as I was able to enjoy the show, so to speak. Sal didn't have any shots until the clock struck 12, which is a pretty good feat with his friends. As soon as the bartender found out it was his birthday, all hell broke loose. I couldn't help but laugh, but I took as few pictures as possible. Before I knew it, we were out on the dance floor; Sal is quite the dancer, even with a few drinks in him. Even though Sal and I said we'd never go to this bar, ever, I'm glad we did because country night wasn't all that bad.

I couldn't bask in all of the happiness though, because we had to leave. This was the first year that my brother was allowed to come being that he turned 21 this year. Other friends arrived little by little, but we were already playing games, and getting competitive, trying to win the most tickets. If you've never been to D&Bs, I suggest you go as soon as you can - it's like Chuckie Cheese for adults, with drinks and prizes! After playing for what felt like hours, we decided to take a short break for some snacks, and I may or may not have eaten a whole order of spinach and artichoke dip... okay not the whole thing, but close enough, which my brother informed me while laughing that I probably just consumed 1000 calories. Whoops! I wasn't going to complain about calories when I was having a good time. The waitress ended up messing up our order, so lucky enough for us we were able to all eat and refuel for under $15.00! We played a few more games, but then we headed home, having full bellies and a card filled with tickets. While none of us traded in our tickets for prizes, we knew we'd be back soon enough. to get bigger prizes. We didn't leave before snapping a Christmas card though!
Happy Birthday Salvatore; I hope you had one amazing birthday! I'm glad I could spend yet another birthday with you - that's 6 years in a row!
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