When our juices arrived, they were in boxes kept cold. I immediately put them in the fridge. We didn't drink them right away, we tried to wait until a family event came up. She ended up going through her cleanse a few days prior to me. It just ended up being easier for her to do it on a different day than me because of her work schedule. She had the day off so she had easy access to a bathroom as it flushed her system, and she enjoyed every juice, mentioning how fresh and tasty they were. She ended up losing almost 4 lbs, and she felt much lighter. I was proud of her for getting through it, and looked forward to my own cleanse.
I don't know why, but I ended up choosing to do the cleanse on a day I had work. That was probably a bad idea, but I was determined. I woke up, weighed myself, and had a shot of apple cider vinegar, followed by a cup of tea with lemon, which was not all that great to be honest. That was at 8AM... 3 hours later at 11AM, I began drinking juice #1 - Glow, which took me roughly an hour to drink. I know you're supposed to drink them quick, but I couldn't get it down. I just kept tasting celery and I'm not a huge fan of celery unless it's following wings, dunked in ranch dip. Juice #2 was consumed from 130-230PM - mid morning Fuel, was a little better than the first one, but it was still difficult to drink since I don't eat carrots unless they're cut small on salads or already cooked in something like soup. I drank lunch juice #3 - Purify at 4PM, was almost unbearable to drink, just imagine a combination of carrots and celery. A short while later at 730PM, I drank my mid afternoon snack, Fiji, which tasted like ginger. Of course, you can imagine why this one was just another drink that I had to pinch my nose just to get down.
I realized that I should have been drinking them quicker and that I probably should have been on dinner by now, but it was so tough for me. I had rushed home from work to rush out to my cousin's art show and so I was drinking them as fast as I could. When I got home at 9PM, I drank my dinner juice, Green Supreme. This was probably my favorite out of all of them because it tasted like green apples. Dessert came around 1030PM, and was the most delicious juice of the day - Vanilla Cloud - of course because it was made out of almond milk, vanilla, and cinnamon - three things I just love. It recommends that you drink it three hours before bed to ensure digestion, but I'm not sure I listened to that entirely. I didn't go to bed hungry, but my jaw felt odd, having not chewed anything all day.
When I woke up the following day, I immediately weighed myself and lost 1.8lbs. While I didn't do it to lose weight, I was happy that I was able to cleanse out some of the toxins. I probably would not have been able to make it through a longer cleanse, but I'm glad I didn't give up - even though those 24 hours were extremely hard. I would not do a Suja Cleanse again, but I would buy the Green Supreme and Vanilla Cloud juice whenever I'm in Whole Foods for a quick snack or healthy dessert! My mom said she would definitely do another cleanse, and enjoyed it.
I had never juiced prior to this cleanse, and I'm pretty sure I had never even had a 'juice.' I'm sure if I had, I may have known what to expect before I took my first sip of the juice. Maybe it's something to get used to, or maybe it's just something I don't like. Either way, I did not enjoy my juice cleanse, but that's just my opinion.
These opinions are my own and I have received no compensation for this post.