I feel as if Valentine's Day just crept up on all of us, especially those of us still currently covered in snow. I don't feel as if it's going to be spring anytime soon, and I'm beginning to wonder if this grey and white world is going to last forever, if I will never see another green blade of grass again.
Now Valentine's Day has never been a huge day for Sal and I, because we celebrate our relationship, and show our love for each other each and every day. Many couples may say this, but we really don't need any day in particular to show each other we love one another. So, when I found out that Sal was going to be at his internship all day, I didn't take off of work. I figured it made no sense to sit at home, when I could be at the hospital sharing love with all of the children that were hospitalized that day. I helped a generous family pass out teddy bears and balloons, donated by them personally. I spread more happiness when I pushed around cupcake cart for both the children and their families. It felt great to be able to share this love to those that might not be feeling very loving or joyous.

Due to the snow we got, Sal ended up having off from his internship for the entire day. Now you may be thinking that after work Sal and I had made plans to see each other, but you'd be wrong. Weeks before, I talked to my friend and we decided that we were going to spend Valentine's Day together - get each other gifts, go out to dinner, drink a little wine, and enjoy the night. We've celebrated Valentine's Day together before, so when she suggested this, I thought it'd be a perfect night! We didn't need boys to make us happy or feel loved on such a Hallmark holiday... we had each other, and there's no kind of love like the love you have for your best friend, of 6 years I might add! We didn't make reservations, thinking that
not everyone goes to California Pizza Kitchen for Valentine's Day... boy, were we
wrong. We
definitely should have made reservations. Oh well! It gave us some time to walk around the mall and search for a bench to sit and wait. When we finally sat, we decided to exchange gifts, and when we did, the look on our faces had to have been priceless. We both handed each other a box, of a similar size and weight. We looked at each other, and then continued to open it up. Lo and behold, it was the EXACT SAME ALEX AND ANI BRACELET... the Best Friends charm... hey, at least we knew where we stood in our friendship! After laughing so hard we were crying, we figured out one of us had to return one, because we couldn't both be wearing the Best and Friend charm, together. So I decided I would return mine, and find us matching charms that represented us in our very unique ways.
Soon we found ourselves at dinner, clinking our glasses of wine, and chatting the night away.
Of course, I was sad that I didn't see Sal at all, but we saw each other a few days later, and spent a few hours together, cuddling. He showed up to my house with beautiful red roses, in a vase, a hilarious card, and a bottle of wine, to be shared at a later date. We love our wine, and sharing wine tasting experiences together has become "our thing." I've always told him that I would trade all of these material things that I own for experiences... traveling to new places, trying a new hobby, or going on an adventure. I never ask him for anything anymore, but I'm also just as grateful when he shows up with a bottle of wine in hand, or a movie he knows I've been wanting to see. He doesn't ask me for anything, and actually never has, but he's always happy when I show up with surprises for him.
So it wasn't a usual Valentine's Day, but it was pretty close to perfect if you ask me.
Awwww you guys are too cute. This was the first year my bf and me actually did something big for V-Day, but we usually just do a casual dinner. Also I love your blog so I nominated you for the Liebster award on my blog (http://astrid-stars.blogspot.com)