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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Foam Fest 2014

If you would have asked me if you should do the Foam Fest after last year's run, I would have said "Hell Yea!" I completed the run with Sal and two ladies who I met through kickboxing. It was difficult, and yet so fun. We found ourselves facing an uphill battle against obstacles full of mud and foam, inflatables and pits.

Unfortunately, this year was not the same. I am glad that none of my friends paid money to join me, because it would have been a major let down for them - as it was for Sal and I. We had such high expectations from the run last year, but we knew it was going to be terrible when we arrived. It was in Brooklyn, which isn't a terrible drive, but it's long nonetheless. As soon as we got in line to sign in, we realized that we were not going to make our race time. Even though we had gotten there early, much earlier than the papers said to, we waited in line for what seemed like an hour, because the volunteers did not have their act together. I wasn't the only one in line who was annoyed, everyone was getting frustrated. And who could blame them? When we finally signed in, we quickly ran to the bathroom and hopped on line for the next race time. We were still excited for the race to start, and weren't about to let the sign in process get us down.

Sal and I were at the head of the line, and when we heard that bell go off, we started running! Obstacle after obstacle we were let down. Sal had his Go-Pro on to capture some great moments. We found ourselves running on concrete for longer than any other obstacle course run that we've ran. It seemed the obstacles were far and few in between. When we did finally reach an obstacle, most of them had a line, which caused us to wait even longer. When we reached the end, we came to the biggest inflatable slide, and I'm pretty sure that was the highlight of the race. We crossed the finish line together and received our medals and free photos were taken, which I loved. Races usually make you pay for photos, so I was glad ours was free, especially after such a terrible run.

We made it though, and enjoyed our free Mike's Hard afterwards. We won't be doing this run next year, although I hear that even if we want to, we can't since Foam Fest (as well as many other runs) have went bankrupt. We'll just have to find more funs to do together!

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