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Saturday, January 11, 2014

2014: New Year, New Resolutions

Last year Sal and I made it a point to sit down and write out our goals for 2013, whether they were small short term goals like staying fit and toned, or more difficult to achieve like landing my first full time job. Each of us wrote down 13 individual goals, which I thought went well with it being 2013, and even though we didn't cross off every goal, we were able to cross of a few, and a few of the big ones I might add.

Accomplished Goals in 2013:

1. Travel to multiple states and maybe abroad

 - Check! Sal and I definitely traveled from as far as Niagara Falls to as close as Pennsylvania.

2. Land a Child Life Specialist Job

 - Check! I was able to land my first full time job less than half way into the year, at a great hospital nonetheless.

3. Run more than 2 5Ks and start training for a 10K

 - Check! Above and beyond - don't sell yourself short. I completed four 5Ks in 2013 (Foam Fest, the Color Run, the Dirty Girl Run, & a Turkey Trot), and while I haven't started training of any sort, I haven't stopped running!

4. Keep my body fit and toned, with the help of Tone It Up, the gym, and running 

 - Check! Never give up on your body; love it each and every day. I ran, kept up with some Tone It Up workouts, and ever got back into kickboxing.

5. Read at least 30 books

 - Check! If you know me, you know I love to read. It wasn't at all hard to read 30, especially when I have a bookcase full of books!

6. Spend more time with family

 - Check! Because really, they are the ones who matter.

7. Start a house fund

 - Check! With the help of my new job, I am now able to save, save, save.

I completed more than half of my goals, and the goals I was unable to meet, I moved to my 2014 list of goals. I wouldn't suggest pushing goals into the new year, but I am more determined than ever to cross off every last goal on my list.

14 Goals in 2014

1. Travel to multiple states and abroad! 
2. Take & pass the GREs
3. Apply to graduate school, and never stop learning
4. Run more than 3 5Ks and start training for a longer run
5. Start writing my book - (finally) get these ideas down on paper
6. Keep my body fit and tones with the help of Tone It Up, the gym, CKO, and running
7. Read at least 35 books
8. Become a Certified Personal Trainer & encourage others to get fit and feel great about themselves
9. Get Engaged
10. Buy a new vehicle
11. Move out into my own place
12. Start a Project Life Scrapbook
13. Save, save, save. 
14. Find balance in life, between work, family, friends, and workouts. 

What are some of your 2014 goals? I'd love to know what everyone is trying to achieve this year! 

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