When someone says, "let's go, grab your boots, we're going out," there's no questions, aside from who's driving!? Now that country music has made its way back up north, I'm glad that most of the bars are making one night a week, country night, and at the bar we chose, it just so happened to be Friday night. I know, I know what you're thinking... how do you still go out if you were just saying you work on the weekends? Well, put quite simply, I choose to be the DD. I don't normally drink anyways, so when I'm out I have an excuse not to drink. I can still have fun, and make it to work the next morning without a hangover (
because really, who likes those anyways?). After picking everyone up, and picking our spot at the bar, we were ready for a night that would never end. I waited a bit for my friend to arrive, and once she did the bar seemed to get a little rowdier!
Now, country artists have a way of saying every thought that's ever crossed your mind in any given situation. They speak from the heart, and whether it involves a break up ... yes I'm talking about you Taylor Swift, drinking a beer ... which everyone at a bar lifts their drink up while singing in terrible key, or that best first kiss you ever had. I mean right now, I'm listening to a song called '
A Life That's Good' by Lennon and Maisy, and really that's exactly what it's about. It doesn't matter if you're not a country music fan, you just become one when you hear a relatable song.

The music kept playing, and before we knew it my friend and I were up on the bar... dancing. Never in my life did I think I would have the confidence to get up on the bar and shake it, especially sober, but I did. Having my best friend right beside me definitely helped, but when you're so focused on moving to the song, all those wandering eyes down below become a blur. The bar soon became crowded with boots, and my friend and I were sweating. It's one thing to be dancing with your best friend, it's a whole different thing when random girls come on the bar and push their way between you. We jumped down, and jumped right back up when a different song came on, and there was more room. I sucked down water after water, but that didn't matter, I sweat even more every time we went up there. It was a good workout, if nothing else.
But to me, it was much, much more than that... I was able to shake it with such confidence, and I had such a memorable time, that I would do it again in a heartbeat. Why we are so afraid to do what we want? Why does it matter what people think, if we only get one life to live anyways? I mean, while it was great to see everyone looking up at me on the bar, it wasn't why I did it. I did it for me. I did it to look back on and say... that was one hell of a night!

While I was up there, Sal was down on the ground, getting hit on more than once, which I don't mind. I know who he's coming home with at the end of the night, the girl he's been with for over 6 years. It gives people confidence when they feel wanted, and it enables our relationship to grow stronger. So when I got down off the bar one last time, it was all I could do not to drag Sal to the dance floor and dance. I brought him to the dance floor eventually, after dancing with my friend and his, and we danced... he even threw in some latino moves... mind you, we're still at the country bar, but that's what makes him, him. You may think that passion runs out after 6 years, but I can promise you that it doesn't. It's still there under the bright lights, you just have to want to see it. All of us were out on the dance floor, and I wish the camera could have captured the feel of the air. It was just pure happiness.
It was even better at work the next day when I received a text message saying that we made it on a random girl's Instagram because we photobombed their picture. Whoops!