Just writing that number makes me cringe. I may or may not have cried when I turned twenty, yes

twenty... so twenty-four was no better. Whether it was because of my brother's constant taunting that I'm so close to thirty, or just the fact that each year seems to be passing faster and faster, and I'm left wondering where the last year went, I can't be quite sure. All I know is that twenty-four doesn't feel much different than twenty-three did, and I think that all has to do with that old saying, "you're only as old as you feel." I can honestly say that I don't feel old, not in the true sense of the word old. Sure, I am probably more tired than I've ever been, but I think that comes with working a full time job, and trying to fit life into.. well, my life. The weekend of my birthday, I decided that I would do what I wanted to, without worrying about who showed up or didn't. In the past years, I always tried to make everyone else happy, but I figured now was a good a time as any to make myself happy on my birthday. I chose to go ugly sweater, drunk bowling. Yes, you read that right... we would be bowling in ugly sweaters, or in my case, a tutu, because I was the birthday girl. When I told my friends the idea, most were down to come, because bowling is not something we do anymore, and drinking during just makes it a lot more fun. Some wore ugly sweaters, Sal ended up wearing a Santa suit, and my best friend and I wore tutus.

We ended up finding a great deal on Groupon for two hours of bowling, shoes, and a pitcher of beer, for six people, and it worked out perfectly. We bowled, and ended up getting pretty competitive, or that might've been just Sal and I, because no one else was really trying or cared all that much. For them it wasn't a matter of winning, like it was for me. In the end though, everyone ended up snapping pictures, and laughing harder than we ever thought possible, ignoring the game completely, and having to ask the guy behind the desk for more time to play and finish the game.

We walked out of the bowling alley singing, not ready for the night to end, since the clock hadn't even struck midnight, announcing that my day of birth had arrived. We decided to go to Applebee's for half price apps, or in my case a delectable drink and a traditional dessert. After convincing our waiter that it was actually my birthday, he brought out my dessert with fellow coworkers at his side, and they sang their ever enthusiastic birthday song, and I kept my head high and my hands clapping, taking in every word! The night ended as quickly as it began, but really my birthday had just started. I took the day off from work, and I was ready to make the day mine.
My mom and I went for manis and pedis that morning, and I almost fell asleep in the chair while the lady massaged my feet, because let's face it, who doesn't love a pedicure with a complete foot massage. We headed home too soon after, and I relaxed until later that night when I opened my presents and headed out to dinner at a local hibachi restaurant with all those I love - my parents, brother and his girlfriend, Michelle, Sal, and one of my uncles. I had been craving it, and wanted to try a place I had never been too. It brought back the memory of my mom taking me to hibachi whenever I received straight A's on my report cards way back in the day, something I will never forget. The food was delicious, and the company was even better. Even though the seats aren't ideal for conversation, they are ideal for enjoying the atmosphere and the food. So while I smacked my head on the back of the chair while trying to catch a shrimp in my mouth, everyone had the best view in the house.

Before we headed home, my brother and Michelle decided that they wanted to make their gingerbread house, so Sal and I stopped and bought whatever was left in the store (
Disclaimer: on December 22nd, there isn't much left). We ended the night putting together our gingerbread sleigh, while Kyle and Michelle put together their original gingerbread house. It was a fun way to finish off my birthday, with yet another Christmas tradition, because really what's the point of having your birthday so close to Christmas if you're not thinking about Christmas?
Here's to another year of adventures and life lessons.
Just remember... everything's more fun in a tutu, especially on your birthday.