I signed up for the Color Run with a bunch of Tone It Up girls. I'm normally shy when meeting new people, but I felt the need to push my boundaries and be outgoing. We had planned to meet at the race rather early but Sal and I ended up getting lost thanks to technology, and while I ended up being on time for the run, most of the girls had start times at that time, so I ended up running by myself. It was nerve racking standing there at the start line by myself, but I knew Sal was there at the finish line waiting for me, with his handmade shirt... my #1 fan. I refused to let not only him down, but my self down. It was unbearably hot, and there were times that I wanted to slow down, but I ran. I ran the whole thing and I did it by myself. No one else received credit for this 5K when I crossed the finish line. It was me and only me, pushing myself until I had nothing left to give. I looked at the next color and told myself I could make it, and kept repeating it.
Just before I crossed the finish line, I saw Sal. I saw him before he saw me and I started smiling and screaming. He filmed me as I crossed that line, as I was shaking with excitement. I couldn't believe I had just completed a real 5K by myself. It wasn't timed and I wasn't even concerned with the time. It was all me.
We walked around and ate some free samples, took more pictures of my colorful attire, and then met up with some of my Tone It Up sisters for a picnic. While I brought bananas, the rest of the girls brought blankets, chocolate Zico, and other healthy snacks. We sat together, talking and getting to know one another. It was great being able to talk to other girls about fitness and clean eating, two things I've grown to love.
And even though I ate clean that morning, it didn't stop me from going into my local bagel shop and ordering a Taylor ham, egg, and cheese. I'm just keeping it real.
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