We weren't able to go to any of the country concerts, that is until Luke Bryan - I made sure I took off of work that day. My brother and his girlfriend already had their tickets a weeks before, having known someone who was selling them. Usually lawn seats are extremely cheap; they're the seats for the real fans, the fans that want to be there to enjoy the music, the artist, and nothing else... Okay maybe (definitely) some tailgating too. However, this year, due to the debut of Nash FM - the first country radio station in the NYC area in YEARS, and Luke having just won entertainer of the year, tickets, even in the lawn, were astronomical. Sal and I decided to hold off on buying them... Thinking the price would go down... It didn't and Sal ended up spending way more than he should have on lawn tickets. I was more than grateful, after getting a little upset to say the least. He always knows just what I want, even when I don't want to admit it. If I didn't go to that concert with my brother, I would've been more than a little upset.
Sal bought our tickets as he was out shopping with my brother for our tailgating essentials - beer, burgers, & chips! None of it was healthy, but that was definitely the last thing on my mind. We had our tickets in hand, my truck packed, and we were headed to my friend's house to meet up with everyone before heading to the concert. Once we got there, we had a minor mishap getting separated from half of our friends. Thankfully Sal has quite a way with words and makes friends easier than anyone I've ever met and was able to get us out of the parking lot and to the one where our friends were. That's when the party started! Someone started up the grill, Sal got the game corn hole out, and someone else put the pile of hay in the middle of our parking spots! We blasted our country music and enjoyed the hot afternoon in the sun. I can't say that I won any corn hole games, but despite that I think I laughed more that night than the whole summer, especially when it came to going to the bathroom!

When we knew the concert would be starting soon, we packed up the trucks and started walking up to the concert! It was a long walk, but worth it of course, especially when Florida Georgia Line & Thompson square started signing, and then Luke Bryan came out and the crowd went even more wild, if that's even possible. I had seen Luke prior to this show, but it's as if he just keeps getting better!
While I knew almost every song, it was funny to listen to the songs that everyone else knew - most didn't know his older songs (those fans being the Nash FM fans), but after a while I just enjoyed him shaking it on stage. At one point, he even brought a little girl on stage who knew all the words to "Someone Else Calling You Baby." Let me just say that Sal was in love, and could not stop talking about how cute the whole scene was. I swear he's going to be wrapped around his daughter's finger. Being with my brother and his girlfriend, just made the night that much better, because we're the four best FRANDS that anyone could have!
The concert continued on, and I can honestly say that I didn't want it to end. Hopefully he'll go on tour again next year, this time we'll make sure we buy tickets much, much earlier.
When we walked back to my truck, we all jumped in, but when Sal turned the key in the ignition, it didn't turn on. The battery had died; we later figured out that having my trunk open for hours on end, kept the overhead light on and thus caused my truck to die. Out of no where it seemed, a lady with jumper cables came and helped us out. As we sat there talking with her, we realized that we live extremely close to each other. When she broke out sandwiches and Calandra's bread I knew that she could be my best friend. Michele, my brother's girlfriend, and myself immediately helped ourselves to the deli meat and delicious bread and I kid you not it was the best tasting sandwich I've ever had ... EVER. She had come to the concert by herself because her friends couldn't at the last minute. I was shocked she went to a concert, especially a country concert. When my truck was ready, we left, thanking the lady that had helped us, when we got in our car, I kid you not it was like she disappeared. It made us all wonder if she was even there at all.
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